Here are some books that I started in 2024, put down for months, and have now “boshed out”. Bosh.
Perilous Times
This came recommended from a friend describing it as “Immortal Arthurian knights are also spies” which is a great premise to be fair. It’s generally really good but I found the themes of climate collapse & rampant privatisation just a bit too bleak at some times. That’s why I bounced over to Fellowship of the Ring. Definitely give this a go & try to get a copy with the US cover which is far superior to the UK one.
Great Rides According to G
This is Geraint Thomas talking about some of his favourite rides. I really enjoyed the bits in Wales, especially when I knew the roads. I love his attitude to life and it reads authentically as him. It’s a breezy read in a pub.
Bill Bailey’s Remarkable Guide to Happiness
I love Bill & his comedy. I picked this up because it’s got a similar name to his Guide to the Orchestra. It’s mini essays on a bunch of things that makes him happy and reading it made me happy. It’s great bathroom reading. If you’re searching for more Bill Bailey I wholeheartedly recommend the Channel 4 series Perfect Pub Walks with Bill Bailey, it’s got some similar vibes.